Monday, April 5, 2010

Water Temple - Endairon

This is in front of Water Temple Entrance where the unpurify water spirit Endairon resides. However, To enter this map, you must at least LV27 and above. Under than that u cant enter here.

Just before u can enter, u must complete the quest "HERO NEEDED" at Wanted Bulletin Board at floating land Port of Winds. After take it, u must answer several question and complete several quest needed to enter here. i will explain the quest under the "Quest - Water Temple"

After Completing several task given by Water Spirit and various people, u can enter the map. dont forget that this map divided by 3 section. "purify quest" will also apply in this sector. Search your own way until u reach the end of the map and you'll see the main entrance for MM(Mission Map). This is the place u will fight the Endairon.

This is the Look-Like-Powerful-Enough picture that I've taken from loading it. This guy looks like powerful eh...
dont judge a book by its cover. Try it your self, see and unfold the mystery.

OK, now the tips to defeat this guy. For higher level job, don't bother reading this. u can tanker it very well. especially assassins.

Endairon have 3 skill; Barrier - all your attack miss, Flying Shield - sent his shield flying towards u, Slashing - using his sword to kill and slash u. if u attack first, he will activate the barrier skill. the barrier will last after 5 second. Right after he casting his Barrier skill, he will lauch the second attack; Flying Shield - avoid it. after those skill it will recharge his first skill, this time he will slash u - avoid if can.

after he's down to floor, he will scattered the item mostly for equipment like armor, legging, shoulders, pauldrons,
but most needed by them all is this set - Aqua set. First set is Aqua Bracelet can get by completing Water Temple mission. The rest is still u gonna fight with Endairon. Good luck hunting those sets.

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